Blogger Insider Book Tag!

Why do Monday’s have to exist? However, I can’t lament the dreaded Monday blues too much because I had a fab-u-lous weekend. My husband and I finally bought a beautiful new sectional couch (which I’ve been arguing for, for YEARS) and it’s perfect!! My husband is also DIY-ing me some hexagon shelves that are almost done and I got a boat load of chores done and read nearly three books this weekend alone. So all in all, I’m gonna go ahead and throw that in the win column! First on today’s docket is to give a huge shout out to Alexandra Wolfe for tagging me in today’s book tag! As I mentioned the other day, I love these things – they’re so cute! Also Alexandra’s blog is full of great reviews and books to add to your ever growing TBR – so go check it out ya’ll!


Where do you typically write your posts?


Now that I work from home, I use my home office. I try to surround myself with things that make me happy so I’ve got pictures, books, lots of elephants and as much nature as I can fit.

How long does it take you to write a book review?

That’s relative, sometimes it’ll take me a bit longer if I’m not *feeling it* at the moment, but generally probably right about an hour. However, then I obsessively re-read the review and make little changes here and there.

When did you start your book blog?

Last year! After I became a member of the Traveling Sister’s group on Goodreads and started contributing to their blog, and had been writing reviews on GR I decided to dive in head first and start my own. I’ve been tinkering on the idea of a blog for a few years, the first one I ever made (and shared with no one) was called “The Whole Cut and Caboodle” and it was going to be something book / kitchen related as well. I’ve wanted to tie in my love of the kitchen with my reads for many years, and over time it morphed itself into my brain child Recipe and a Read!

What is the worst thing about having a book blog, in your opinion?

Sometimes I feel pressured to post things even if I’m kind of in a funk. I’m worried that if I’m not active enough that… I don’t know…. it’ll stop existing? Which is silly I know, and I do this for myself not for others and it’s pressure created by myself but it’s there none the less.

What is the best thing about having a book blog, in your opinion?

I love sharing my opinion about books, I love reading other readers opinions about books and I love the community. I’ve never been too big a writer, but I’ve found this to be a really fun and cathartic hobby. There’s something so intoxicating about sharing my love of books with other people. And this gives me an outlet to challenge myself in the kitchen and share my creations with others – so another added bonus!

What have you had the most fun writing so far?


In general, my Recipe and a Read posts are my favorite. They’re so fun to put together and I really love it. However, on top of all of those is probably my Evelyn Hugo recipe and review. I adored that book so much that writing the review was extra fun!

What is your favorite type of blog post to write?

LOL, I just answered this but I also really enjoy the weekly meme’s that have ever changing topics and I really like these tags! They’re fun to think about and I feel like they make me reflect on various books that I haven’t thought about in a while. I also really love reading them on other blogs!

When do you typically write?

Merp, I don’t really have any specific time. Just when the mood strikes me! But for the most part, in the morning or early afternoon.

Do you review every book you read?

For the most part!

How do you write your book revies: with a cup of coffee, Netflix, cuddled with your fur baby?

I am not good with distractions when I’m writing. I like to sit in my office, in the quiet, if it’s nice out – with the window open and maybe a cup of coffee and let the creative juices flow! My dog Fitz is needy AF though, so he’s always around no matter what I’m doing.

v needy.

When do you write your book reviews; right after finishing the book? Two weeks later?

Generally, pretty quickly after I finish a book. Within a day or two. However, there’s been some times when I’ve been busy and unable to write reviews so I put it off for a little bit. However, mostly its right after finishing when it’s still fresh.

How often do you post?

I try to post 3-5 times per week. I’m not great at posting on the weekends, and if I’m slumping a little on my reading I’ll leave more time between posts but I genuinely do enjoy my blog and writing so I try to make it at least a few times a week.


Well there you have it folks! I’m not sure any of you really wanted to know that much about how I blog but #yolo, I’m doing this for me! Anyway, as with all tags you are in no way obligated to participate and if you aren’t tagged and want to participate anyway – this is your life – do what feels right! I’m tagging: Brenda & Norma, Kim, and Amanda!

What made you decide to start blogging? Where do you blog and how do you balance it with your day-to-day life? Drop me a note in the comments and let me know!



28 thoughts on “Blogger Insider Book Tag!”

  1. Oh, lil’ doggie ❤ He's adorable.
    Love your office corner! I could totally see myself having something similar. Always planning to put up some pictures, but i'm renting, so not sure how many holes i can put in the wall before my landlord gets pissed off 😀

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I love that you posted a photo of your desk area too. 😀 I love having that sneak peek into people’s work spaces. See, I’m nosey. Ha! Ha! It’s fun sharing and also reading everyone’s answers. And more, it’s nice to see we are more alike than we realise.

    Oh, and can I borrow your husband, I need some shelving doing too. 😉

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I loved seeing where you work in yours! I like seeing / reading how different people came up with their blog / write there post / where they write them – so I guess I’m nosey too lol! I’m definitely lucky to have married such a handy guy – he’s been able to make almost everything I’ve wanted for our house! New side tables, coffee table, shelving…now I just need to convince him to get me a second pupper 😉

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Great post, Christina! I enjoyed reading it. Your work space looks wonderful. This is so fun. I am on my way to see Norma so perfect timing we can answer these questions together. Thank you for tagging us.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Great tag. I blog in my little office surrounded by shelves of Harry Potter Pop Funkos. I have my blind just a tiny bit open to let in some light if it was fully open I would spend my time looking outside. I also have to write my reviews pretty soon after finishing the book otherwise I would forget half the plot or merge it with another book.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. The worse thing about having a book blog? hmmm maybe making the time to sit and post.
    The Best thing? Meeting a lot of bookish people.

    Liked by 2 people

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