Top 10 Tuesday: Reading Changes!

Y’all. The universe, straight up, does not want me to get a hair cut. Can’t a girl just try to look nice when she’s hosting her first full Thanksgiving for 14 people?!?!?! I’ve had my appointment cancelled twice now and it’s a for real beat down. You know what isn’t a beat down though? Top 10 Tuesday! This one always stresses me out a little because coming up with 10 things always feels a tad overwhelming.

is what I WOULD be saying if I could get my damn hair cut.

But you know, because I’m a *maverick* (just kidding) I’ll be participating in this weeks Top 10 Tuesday ANYWAY. Top 10 Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by The Artsy Reader and this weeks topic is changes to your reading life! 

  1. I started my book blog! It’s actually officially been over a year that I’ve been doing this but since I had a little *hiatus* I missed the year anniversary (boo) but now I’m back on the wagon and asking myself why I ever stopped!

2. I read hard copy books more than my kindle and the library is my best friend. I don’t know about y’all but sometimes I buy books just to… you know… feel alive. I used to have a really bad habit of just binge buying books on my Kindle and DNFing them like there’s no tomorrow. However, I’ve rediscovered my love of physical books and I can’t plug the never ending joys of the library enough.

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the librarians love me, I swear.

3. I’m no longer really into the YA genre. I really enjoyed a lot of YA books a few years ago but I also think that’s what lead me to my epic reading slump prior to really starting reviewing on GR and starting my blog. I still enjoy a good YA novel every now and again but it’s no longer one of my go-to genres.

4. New releases. I used to just read whatever I thought sounded interesting and I didn’t really follow authors and anticipate new releases (unless it was as part of a series). Now I have numerous authors and I’m always checking their websites for their new releases.

5. Reading stand alone novels. I used the think that you had to have a full series to really develop characters, settings and stories. Apparently I’d just been reading garbage stand alone novels because that absolutely isn’t true. My all time favorite novels these days are all stand alone.

6. I read a whole lot more. I’ve always been an avid reader but in the last few years I’m reading more and more than I ever have.

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7. Reading with others. As I’ve mentioned a million times, I’m a member of the Traveling Sisters group on GR and it really opened my eyes to reading with others. I fell off that wagon too but I’ve got a group read slated to start tomorrow! I’ve also started reading with a few of my friends again and it’s super fun!

8. I’m known for reading. Again, I’ve always been a reader but now I have lots of people who come and ask me for recommendations or books to borrow. Even friends from high school or college I haven’t seen or spoken to in a while will ask me what I think they should read and it’s super satisfying.

9. General diversity in my reading. Forever trying to broaden my reading scope. I’m reading more non-fiction, historical fiction and other genres I used to shy away from and now these genres are home to some of my all time favorite reads!

10. Reading ARCs. I didn’t even know sites like NetGalley and Edelweiss even existed before last year. Now receiving and reading ARCs is one of my favorite things about reviewing books and having a book blog. I’ve even had a few larger name authors/publishers reach out to me directly which was super exciting.

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me, after Simon & Schuster reached out to me directly. JK I know I’m not famous.

Well… every time I do this one it ends up not being as hard as I thought it would be (apparently I just like to whine). Anyway! I’m super excited to be bringing y’all my first Recipe and a Read review since my hiatus tomorrow! I’ll be reviewing Children of Blood and Bone and bringing y’all a recipe for Jollof Rice so stay tuned!

What are some reading changes that you’ve had in the last few years? Drop me a note in the comments and let me know!

20 thoughts on “Top 10 Tuesday: Reading Changes!”

  1. I think we all go through reading evolutions, and more so now we’re blogging reviews and talking about what we read more, with others. I think it’s inevitable that we start to read genre we would never have thought to because following other bloggers opens up new vistas of reading material. Good recommendations reassure us, so we take chances of new authors or genre, and wow, has that been a revelation for me at least. Love it!


  2. Love this! I feel like my reading tastes have changed a lot over the years myself. I would have never picked up anything in the romance section before and now I adore romantic comedies! I’ve also started venturing into the world of audiobooks. I also really enjoy standalone novels.


  3. Great to read about your reading journey. I’ve actually found since blogging that I don’t read as many books as I used to, joys of having to write up reviews, blog posts, do social media posts, etc. I also have found this year that I’ve read more hardcopies that ebooks, something that has been the reverse for the last few years.

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