Book Tag: My Perfect Library!

Happy, happy Friday, happy weekend, read read read! Just thought I’d serve ya’ll up with a lil’ diddy to get this Friday groovin’. Anywayyyy, I saw this book tag over at Gemma’s Book Nook and I simply could not resist. Bewitched Reader has a great Library post too so check them out! As I’m sure all book lovers can agree – books are the best. They’re so calming and wonderful. As someone who has been renting (on a budget) I’ve never really been able to fully flex my home library wants [read: needs] for multiple reasons. However, now that my husband will be getting his big boy PhD job, and we’ll be moving to the mountains I’ve got literally one thing on my mind (ok well, two) while we’re house hunting: a place to read / make a little library and my kitchen (where all my husband cares about is his workshop). I’m setting this up as a personal library versus a public library – but all libraries are AH-MAZ-ING. *Also throwing in some Pinterest pics because #yolo*

Not a lie.


Ah yes, where do we want the library. Well, if you’ve not been able to tell by now the mountains are my happy place. I’d love to be up high on a mountain, with views of the mountains and surrounded by forest. I’d love to be able to open the window and just hear the sounds of the wind passing through the trees for the ultimate reading *bliss*. I also don’t like two-story houses, so it would be located on hopefully the first (only) floor.

Not the perfect seating, but right on up my *dreams* of reading views.


This one is weirdly hard for me because I like to move around a lot when I’m reading. I like to read outside, so it’d be SUPER AMAZING if my space had french doors or something that allowed it to be indoor/outdoor and somewhere I could put up my hammock or hanging seat. So I think maybe a comfy love seat with an ottoman so I can stretch out and move around. Also TONS of blankets because I’m obsessed with blankets.



Hygge AF up in that space. I hate overhead light, and I’d love to have as much natural light as possible. Lots of windows or doors to open and see outside. Also lamps with warm light bulbs, and candles. I love the ambient lighting of string bulbs also, so that’d be cool to have in an outdoor reading space. It would be KILLER if I could have a fireplace too, but that’s a bit unrealistic.

All the soft lighting.


Quiet. I can, but am not a big fan of reading with music or TV playing in the background. I’d love to just have the sounds of nature outside. Like I mentioned above, to be able to open the windows and hear the birds or the rain and the sounds of the mountain and the wind.

giphy (1)
Ah, the sound of the wind through the trees… JUST KIDDING.


This is turning into an ode to my love of the mountains. But I swear to you that cold air and the mountains have a very specific scent and it’s absolutely divine. I like fresh air as much as possible, so I’d love to just be able to smell the trees and the crisp cool air. My favorite candle scents are always the “not actually a scent” scents (like, cashmere amber or weird shit like that). Also if I could have that dream library fireplace – I love the smell of a fire.

Rocky Mountains 5ever. 


As many as I need + a little extra space. Definitely made out of wood. Ideally they’d be built in and there’d be a corner section. I’m not sure what I love so much about bookshelves in a corner format but I find it quite appealing. Also I’d love them to be floor to ceiling. I don’t need a lot of space so it’d be nice if the walls were also the book shelves. I’m also drawn to neutral colors – so grays or muted greens or just stained wood. I’m not a big fan of white shelves, or super dark / black shelves. We have a narrow, but tall bookshelf in our living room that is black and I need to change it like…right now.

I love gray! 


In all my book nook research and in seeing so many fellow readers blogs and the way they organize their books I’m quite partial to organization by color. There is something so aesthetically pleasing to the eye organizing this way. It’s such a neat and popular idea that I’ve seen more and more on Pinterest and the likes. Literally when you put the words “organizing books by…” the top hit is color – and I can definitely see why! However, I’m unsure, once you have a ton of books of the viability of then finding a specific book if it’s only organized by color. But who knows.

NOT a fan of the sideways books, but look how pretty!

I also agree with Stormi at the Bewitched Reader Book Blog about wanting a desk! I love blogging, and it’d be lovely to be able to write among the inspiration for my blog – books! I didn’t include snacks in my list because I don’t snack while I read. I actually have a really bad habit of getting so engrossed in my book that I’ll not eat or drink anything for long stretches of time and then I get myself dehydrated because I’m dumb. Anyway, well there you have it – my dream home library! We’ll see how close I end up getting when we eventually settle down for good but we’re slowly but surely making our way there. I’m not tagging anyone because I stole this from someone else but it was super fun and I’d love to see other bloggers dream libraries! Maybe I’ll make one of my own about my perfect kitchen next… I have even more ideas about that!

I’m cooking my Russian meals this Saturday for The Bear and The Nightingale Recipe and Read so I’m hoping to have this up Sunday! However, every time I say that I get caught up in the weekend and don’t post so count on Sunday or Monday for that review. 

Do you have dreams of the *perfect* library? Would yours be public or personal? What touches are most important to you? Drop me a note in the comments and let me know!

17 thoughts on “Book Tag: My Perfect Library!”

  1. Wow! I love your vision, Christina💜💜💜

    I also agree with you about the scent of mountain air. There’s nothing quite like it and it’s invigorating. While I like the visual look of a color organized library, it would drive me crazy trying to find a book. I’m such a compulsive person I know I’d follow an alphabetical system.

    What a great post!


    1. I go back and forth. I 100% do not have enough books to fill shelves that size (or like any of the pictures I included) so right now I have few enough books that it’s not hard to find but I wonder, if you had that many books if it would just get super irritating to find them lol!

      And yes! Thank you! Mountain air is super invigorating!


  2. You just described my perfect house, for reading, and the perfect setting for reading. With the right nook, and outdoor setting, plus that mountain smell, right? What is it about that? The ozone def makes a BIG difference. I just love the sound of your dream and wanna move in with you when you get it. Oh, okay, I have my own nook and balcony, and easy access to the fridge! 😉

    I hope you get as close to that perfection as possible.


    1. Hahaha! Nothing beats that mountain smell for sure! Right now I have no reading area at all. I mean, my whole house and yard is my reading area but no real designated space so I can’t wait to be able to implement that into my house! 😛


  3. I generally organise by size and my shelves are organised by genre too. I keep books by the same author together.
    I like the sound of your library.


  4. Omg, me too! Love your perfect library!
    I’ve been forever dreaming of a house where i can have one of those window seats with pillows and tiny lights 😍
    I can’t stand bright lights…


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